L.008.32160 Exploring the power of verbs

Course offering details

Instructors: Nina Reshöft

Event type: Proseminar

Org-unit: Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Displayed in timetable as:

Hours per week: 2

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | 25

Verbs, “they're the proudest – adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs” (Humpty Dumpty in Through the Looking Glass). Verbs are powerful parts of speech which hold the sentence together. In the first part of the course, you will learn about experimental and corpus-based approaches to explore the lexical semantics of verbs (e.g. climb vs. clamber), verb classes such as verbs of emotion (e.g. love, dislike, envy) or verbs of killing (e.g. kill, murder, assassinate), and explore how verb meaning can be studied in relation to other parts of the sentence (e.g. The wimbush glipped the rolkin). We will draw on various kinds of corpus data such as car accident reports and cooking recipes as well as experimental data (e.g. goodness-of-example ratings, word association tasks). In the second part, you will develop your own research project, collect and analyze linguistic data and prepare the presentation of your results. At the end of the semester, there will be a conference at which all participants must present the results of their own project. Participation on that day is obligatory. A list of readings, the course schedule, and more information about the requirements will be announced at the beginning of the semester.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Mon, 17. Oct. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
2 Mon, 24. Oct. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
3 Mon, 31. Oct. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
4 Mon, 7. Nov. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
5 Mon, 14. Nov. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
6 Mon, 21. Nov. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
7 Mon, 28. Nov. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
8 Mon, 5. Dec. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
9 Mon, 12. Dec. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
10 Mon, 19. Dec. 2016 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
11 Mon, 9. Jan. 2017 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
12 Mon, 16. Jan. 2017 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
13 Mon, 23. Jan. 2017 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
14 Mon, 30. Jan. 2017 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
15 Mon, 6. Feb. 2017 14:00 16:00 C 4 234 Nina Reshöft
Contained in modules
M.008.2030 B2 - Beschreibungsebenen :: ESW ZFB v1 (SS 2011, SS 2011, SS 2011)
M.008.2030 B2 - Beschreibungsebenen :: ESW ZFB v1 (SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.008.2032 BM2 - Beschreibungsebenen (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.008.2032A BM2 - Beschreibungsebenen -- **auslaufendes Modulangebot bitte nicht neu anmelden** (aktuelle Version siehe unten) (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.008.2034 B2 - Beschreibungsebenen (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.008.2050 A1 - Kognitive Linguistik und Spracherwerb :: ESW ZFB v1 (SS 2011, SS 2011, SS 2011)
M.008.2050 A1 - Kognitive Linguistik und Spracherwerb :: ESW ZFB v1 (SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.008.2052 A1 - Kognitive Linguistik und Spracherwerb (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.008.2052 A1 - Kognitive Linguistik und Spracherwerb - ESW ZFB v2 (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.008.2054 A1 - Theorien und Methoden (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (SS 2009, SS 2009, SS 2009)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (WS 2009/10, WS 2009/10, WS 2009/10)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (WS 2009/10, WS 2009/10, WS 2009/10)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (SS 2010, SS 2010, SS 2010)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (WS 2010/11, WS 2010/11, WS 2010/11)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (WS 2010/11, WS 2010/11, WS 2010/11)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (SS 2011, SS 2011, SS 2011)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (SS 2011, SS 2011, SS 2011)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.008.6020 B Einführungsmodul: Beschreibungsebenen (SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.008.6620 B2 - Wort :: BA-LING v2 (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.008.6630 B3 - Satz :: BA-LING v2 (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.008.6680 A1 - Aufbaumodul 1: Sprache und Kognition :: BA-LING v2 (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
Class session overview
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Nina Reshöft M.A.