L.127.15120 Simone de Beauvoir: existentialist ethics and social oppression


Lehrende: Katja Cicigoj

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Philosophie

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Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 40

The full literature list will be provided at the beginning of the seminar.

This seminar will focus upon how Simone de Beauvoir carved an ethics and a theory of oppression from within a philosophical framework – existentialism – usually taken to be focused upon the experience of individual subjects and their inevitable freedom.
First, we will have a look at how Beauvoir developed an existentialist ethics of mutual recognition and ambiguity and consider in how far it remained a deontological (as opposed to utilitarian) moral theory. Second, we will see how her analysis of different forms of oppression made her push at the boundaries of existentialist thought and transform its key concepts into tools for a critical analysis of social relations. Third, we will explore the potential tensions and fruitful encounters in Beauvoir’s work between a philosophical ethics and a critical social analysis of oppression. Do ethical arguments turn critical social analysis into moralism and moralisation – or can they legitimately underpin critical assessments of social relations and arguments against oppression?

In this seminar, we will primarily address these issues through Simone de Beauvoir’s seminal work The Second Sex, which presents a critical analysis of women’s situation in patriarchal societies, underpinned by her existentialist ethics. We will also relate this work to her earlier philosophical writings (The Ethics of Ambiguity, Phyrrus and Cineas) and other works where she analyses social oppression (race in America Day By Day, age in The Coming of Age, colonialism and class in some of her shorter essays).

The seminar will be held in English (also the provided literature will be in English).

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 15. Okt. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
2 Fr, 22. Okt. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
3 Fr, 29. Okt. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
4 Fr, 5. Nov. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
5 Fr, 12. Nov. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
6 Fr, 19. Nov. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
7 Fr, 26. Nov. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
8 Fr, 3. Dez. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
9 Fr, 10. Dez. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
10 Fr, 17. Dez. 2021 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
11 Fr, 14. Jan. 2022 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
12 Fr, 21. Jan. 2022 09:00 11:00 J 3 220 Katja Cicigoj
13 Fr, 28. Jan. 2022 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
14 Fr, 4. Feb. 2022 09:00 11:00 L 2 201 Katja Cicigoj
Enthalten in Modulen
M.030.1012 B1 - Basismodul Medientheorie/-geschichte :: MW-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.030.1012A B1 - Basismodul Medientheorie/-geschichte :: MW-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.030.1032 A1 - Aufbaumodul Medientheorie/-geschichte :: MW-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.030.1032A A1 - Aufbaumodul Medientheorie/-geschichte :: MW-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.030.2010 Basismodul Medientheorie/-geschichte (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.2030 Aufbaumodul Medientheorie/-geschichte - BA (SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.2210 M1 - Basismodul Medientheorie/-geschichte :: BA v3 (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.030.2220 M2 - Aufbaumodul Medientheorie/-geschichte :: BA v3 (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.030.3010 B1 - Medientheorie/-geschichte :: NF-MW INF-BA v2a (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.3030 B1 - Medientheorie/-geschichte :: NF-MW INF-BA v2b (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.052.2530A M3A - Kulturelle und symbolische Repräsentationen :: ZFM-GS v1 (WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15)
M.052.8222 Bildung, Erziehung und Gesellschaft :: BA-HRSGe (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.052.8322 Modul 2: Bildung, Erziehung und Gesellschaft ::BA-G v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.127.0020 Modul 2: Geschichte der Philosophie (SS 2012)
M.127.0040 Modul 4: Ethik (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0080 Modul 8: Vertiefung Ethik, insbesondere Sozialphilosophie (SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0120 Modul 2: Grundlagen der Praktischen Philosophie (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0140 Modul 4: Ethik und Sozialphilosophie (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0180 B2 - Ehtik :: PHI-ZFBA v1 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0182 B2 - Praktische Philosophie :: PHI-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.127.0184 B2 - Praktische Philosophie :: PHI-ZFB v3 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0210 A2 - Ethik, insbesondere Sozialphilosophie :: PHI-ZFB v1 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0212 A2 - Vertiefung Praktische Philosophie :: PHI-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.127.0214 A2 - Vertiefung PraktischePhilosophie :: PHI-ZFB v3 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0240 Modul 4: Ethik (WS 2010/11, WS 2010/11)
M.127.0280 Modul 8: Vertiefung Ethik, insbesondere Sozialphilosophie - INF (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0320 B2 - Ethik :: NF-PHIL INF-BA v3 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0350 A2 - Vertiefung Ethik, insbesondere Sozialphilosophie :: NF-PHIL INF-BA v3 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0420 B2 - Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL INF-BA v4 (SS 2012)
M.127.0421 B2 - Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL INF-BA v4 (WS 2017/18)
M.127.0450 B2 - Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v1 (SS 2012)
M.127.0480 A2 - Vertiefung Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v1 (SS 2012)
M.127.0520 B2 - Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v2 (WS 2013/14)
M.127.0550 A2 - Vertiefung Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v2 (WS 2013/14)
M.127.0680 A2 - Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL INF MA v3 (WS 2017/18, WS 2017/18)
M.127.0730 B3 - Geschichte der Philosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v3 (WS 2020/21)
M.127.0750 A2 - Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v3 (WS 2020/21, WS 2020/21)
M.127.8030 Basismodul 3: Geschichte der Philosophie :: BA-GyGe (WS 2016/17)
M.127.8035 Basismodul 3: Heterogenität :: BA-BK (WS 2018/19, WS 2018/19)
M.127.8040 Aufbaumodul 1: Philosophie in Psychologie, Religion und Gesellschaft :: BA-LA (WS 2016/17)
M.127.8060 Aufbaumodul 3: Praktische Philosophie :: BA-LA (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.137.5260 M I.6 - Optionalbereich/Studium Generale :: EE v2 (WS 2019/20, WS 2019/20)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Katja Cicigoj