L.030.35560 Self-tracking, telemedicine and artifical ingelligence. On Digitalization and Health


Lehrende: Dr. Melike Sahinol

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Medienwissenschaft

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 40

Clarke, A. E., Mamo, L., Fosket, J. R., Fishman, J. R., & Shim, J. K. (Eds.). (2010). Biomedicalization: Technoscience, health, and illness in the US. Durham: Duke University Press.

Svalastog, A. L., Gajovic, S. & A. Webster (Eds.), Navigating Digital Health Landscapes: A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

The digital transformation trends in healthcare are remarkable, especially in times of pandemic all over the world: Corona apps, telemedicine and various other technological possibilities, are supposed to help us cope with the crisis. The use of information and communication technologies in healthcare systems is not new, of course, but the social and cultural impacts of digitalization on health and well-being are becoming (recent) new topics of discourse. In order to understand the interdependencies of medicine, technology and society - involving non-human actors, it is first necessary to establish some basics for the sociological view on medicine and society. These include, first, various approaches to the medical sociology and concepts of health and disease. Biopower and biopolitics are important topics for understanding, for example, the role of health policy regulatory processes and their implications. Biomedicalization and enhancement represent some specific features of the transformation processes of medicine and society, reflecting on these processes in parallel with digitalization, DIY (Do-It-Yourself) culture, bio- and body hacking tendencies, and Quantified Self movement. Medical innovations have produced hybrids, cyborgs, and chimeras in part through these movements but also through neuro/bio-technological attempts at healing that directly interfere with human biology. With technological possibilities not only risks but also opportunities arise for vulnerable groups, especially people with disabilities. On the other hand, however, despite its advanced features, medicine seems to (still) disadvantage certain (gender) groups in their health.

Learning Objectives: Introduction to digital health and some of its cross-cutting issues - from biomedicalization, body hacking to enhancement.

Wichtige Hinweise:
Grading: Certificate of Attendance (AQT): Presentation & Moderation: 20-minute presentation and discussion moderation. Active participation in the seminar. Exam (PL): Presentation: 20-minute presentation and discussion. Active participation in the seminar. Preparation of 2 scientific essays (6 pages each).

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 13. Apr. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
2 Di, 20. Apr. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
3 Di, 27. Apr. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
4 Di, 4. Mai 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
5 Di, 11. Mai 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
6 Di, 18. Mai 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
7 Di, 25. Mai 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
8 Di, 1. Jun. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
9 Di, 8. Jun. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
10 Di, 15. Jun. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
11 Di, 22. Jun. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
12 Di, 29. Jun. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
13 Di, 6. Jul. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
14 Di, 13. Jul. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
15 Di, 20. Jul. 2021 14:00 16:00 Dr. Melike Sahinol
Enthalten in Modulen
M.030.1052 M1 - Modul Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie :: MW-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.030.1052A M1 - Modul Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie :: MW-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.030.2050 Modul Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie - BA (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.2250 M5 - Modul Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie :: BA v3 (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.030.2255 M5 - Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie :: BA v5 (WS 2019/20, WS 2019/20)
M.030.3025 M1 - Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie :: NF-MW INF-MA v2a (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.3040 B2 - Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie :: NF-MW INF-BA v2b (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.3060 B2 - Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie :: NF-MW INF-BA v3a (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.3080 B2 - Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie :: NF-MW INF-BA v3b (WS 2011/12)
M.030.3080 B2 - Mediensoziologie/-pädagogik/-psychologie :: NF-MW INF-BA v3b (SS 2012)
M.030.4030 M3 - Medien und Gesellschaft, Medien und Individuum, Medienkompetenz (SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.4060 M6 - Medien im gesellschaftlichen Kontext (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.4230 M3 - Medien und Gesellschaft, Medien und Individuum, Medienkompetenz (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.030.4260 M6 - Medien im gesellschaftlichen Kontext :: MA v1 (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.052.2630 M3 - Mediale Kulturen :: ZFM-SOZ v1 (WS 2014/15)
M.052.2635 M3 - Mediale Kulturen :: ZFM-SOZ v2 (WS 2019/20)
M.052.2640 M4 - Subjektivität/Selbstmanagement/Geschlechtertechnologien :: ZFM-SOZ v1 (WS 2014/15)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Dr. Melike Sahinol