L.052.21002 Work-Life-Balance in the Context of Welfare State. Workplace and Private Life.


Lehrende: Dr. Annette von Alemann

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Erziehungswissenschaft

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 40

Voraussetzungen und Empfehlungen:
The course language is English. A good command of English is required, as well as the willingness to read and discuss theoretical and empirical texts and discuss them in the course.
To participate successfully, you need a basic knowledge of Sociology, Gender Relations, and the Welfare State (or the willingness to acquire this knowledge during the course).

Students who are interested in Sociology, Gender studies, Education, Media and/or Political sciences, with a basic knowledge of Sociology, Gender Studies, and Welfare States, and with a good command of English.

Allen, Tammy D., und Lillian T. Eby (Eds). 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Work and Family. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

Kossek, Ellen Ernst, and Susan J. Lambert (Ed.). 2005: Work and Life Integration. Organizational, Cultural, and Individual Perspectives. Mahwah/New Jersey, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Özbilgin, Mustafa F., T. Alexandra Beauregard, Ahu Tatli, and Myrtle P. Bell. 2011: Work–  Life, Diversity and Intersectionality: A Critical Review and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews 13, 177–  198.

The term "Work-Life-Balance" (WLB) refers to a complex of problems, discourses and practices in the field of work and private life as well as related attempts of scientific analysis and conceptualization. Originating from the US Human Resource Management, the term has become a general concept that combines various aspects of the relationships between work and private life. The concept is open to dimensions of life beyond care obligations and to issues such as body and health, leisure, volunteer work and personal relationships. The perspective on Work-Life Balance involves women as well as men, families as well as singles, parents as well as childless people.
In the course, work-life balance is discussed both as a topic of social debates and as a research field of sociology and gender research. The focus is on the "balance" between work and private care obligations for women and men. Developments in paid work, family, social policy and welfare state, and in the overall gender relations lead to new interactions between work and private life, produing a juxtaposition of old and new inequalities.

Topics of the course are
- Work and life as theoretical concepts
- WLB and gender relations
- Development of the research field and important approaches
- WLB and corporate practice
- WLB and career: women / men
- WLB and health issues
- WLB and the Generation Y
- WLB and in the context of different cultures and societies
- WLB, politics and welfare state
- WLB of singles and other underrepresented groups
- An intersectional perspective on WLB

The aim of the course is to study WLB as a scientific concept and to learn more about the political,    organizational, gender relational and individual influences on WLB in international perspective. The aim is not how to reach a good work-life balance yourself (but the course can inspire your thoughts about it and give you some empirical insight).

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Do, 11. Okt. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
2 Do, 18. Okt. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
3 Do, 25. Okt. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
4 Do, 8. Nov. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
5 Do, 15. Nov. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
6 Do, 22. Nov. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
7 Do, 29. Nov. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
8 Do, 6. Dez. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
9 Do, 13. Dez. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
10 Do, 20. Dez. 2018 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
11 Do, 10. Jan. 2019 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
12 Do, 17. Jan. 2019 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
13 Do, 24. Jan. 2019 11:00 13:00 H 3 223 Dr. Annette von Alemann
14 Do, 31. Jan. 2019 11:00 13:00 L 2 201 Dr. Annette von Alemann
Enthalten in Modulen
M.030.4030 M3 - Medien und Gesellschaft, Medien und Individuum, Medienkompetenz (SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.030.4230 M3 - Medien und Gesellschaft, Medien und Individuum, Medienkompetenz (WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13, WS 2012/13)
M.052.2020 B2 - Anthropologische, gesellschaftliche und kulturelle Bedingungen von Erziehung und Bildung :: EW-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.052.2020A B2 - Anthropologische, gesellschaftliche und kulturelle Bedingungen von Erziehung und Bildung (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.052.2310 M1 - Bildungswissenschaften :: ZFM-EW v1 (WS 2018/19)
M.052.2310A M1 - Bildungswissenschaften :: ZFM-EW v1 (WS 2014/15)
M.052.2530C M3C - Arbeitsteilung und Gesellschaftsstruktur :: ZFM-GS v1 (WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15)
M.052.2610 M1 - Theoretische Grundlagen und Schlüsselbegriffe :: ZFM-SOZ v1 (WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15)
M.052.2620 M2 - Arbeits- und Wissensgesellschaft :: ZFM-SOZ v1 (WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15)
M.052.2640 M4 - Subjektivität/Selbstmanagement/Geschlechtertechnologien :: ZFM-SOZ v1 (WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15)
M.052.2650 M5 - Profilierungsmodul :: ZFM-SOZ v1 (WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15)
M.052.8230 Kindheit und Jugend :: BA-HRGe (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.052.8232 Kindheit und Jugend :: BA-HRSGe (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.052.8330 Kindheit und Jugend :: BA-G (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.052.8332 Modul 3: Kindheit und Jugend :: BA-G v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.052.8860 Modul 2: Kindheit und Jugend (SS 2014, SS 2014)
M.127.0080 Modul 8: Vertiefung Ethik, insbesondere Sozialphilosophie (SS 2012)
M.127.0140 Modul 4: Ethik und Sozialphilosophie (SS 2012)
M.127.8040 Aufbaumodul 1: Philosophie in Psychologie, Religion und Gesellschaft :: BA-LA (WS 2016/17)
M.127.8040A Aufbaumodul 1: Philosophie in Psychologie, Religion und Gesellschaft :: BA-LA (SS 2012)
M.128.5070 Vertiefungsmodul fachliche und fachdidaktische Vertiefung der Perspektivbereiche (WS 2016/17)
M.128.5405 Fachliche Erweiterung der Perspektivbereiche (SS 2015)
M.128.5920 Themenfelder des Sachunterrichts (WS 2016/17)
M.128.5930 Vertiefungsmodul Sachunterricht (WS 2016/17)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Dr. Annette von Alemann