L.127.15120 Misandrie – Männerhass und seine Geschichte (Libori Summer School)


Lehrende: Jessica Harmening

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Philosophie

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 15

(wird online gegeben):
• Selected writings of Helene v. Druskowitz
• Selected writings from Tagebuchblätter einer Emanzipierten by Elsa Asenijeff (Elsa Maria Packeny)
• Eine für viele: Aus dem Tagebuche eines Mädchens, by Vera (Betty Kriss, Alma de la Vera)
• Selected writings of Else Kotányi (Jerusalem, Widakowich)
• S.C.U.M Manifesto, by Valerie Solanas
Selections from:
• Schifting Voices, by A. Schwartz, Montreal & Kingston, London, Ithaca: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008.
• Misogyny: The Male Malady, by David D. Gilmore, Piladelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.
• Misogyny, Misandry, and Misantrophy, ed. by R. H. Bloch and F. Ferguson, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1989.
• My Enemy, My Love: Man-hating and Ambivalence in Women's Lives, by Judith Levine, New York: Doubleday, 1992.

Dies ist eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Libori Summer School 2017: https://historyofwomenphilosophers.org/summer-school/
This course will offer an overview over a relatively little investigated “third voice” in the history of ideas: man-hating (misandry, viriphobia). In the focus of our investigation will be Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Croatia) in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century – the period that has largely influenced present day gender studies. As some would argue, misandry, though more covertly than misogyny, has always been present in the public discourse of our civilization. However, around the fin de siècle misogynistic discourse reached an apex: as an answer to it we have two different movements. The first is the widely known and investigated turn-of-the-century feminism lead to political and philosophico-cultural changes such as the improvement of women’s education, political rights, better paid work, intensifying discourse of the equality of sexes, equal human rights etc. The second is much less known – misandry, which regards the human male as constitutionally inferior to and morally more deficient than woman. In our course we will investigate this phenomenon from three perspectives: its history, its appearance, and its consequences on present state of gender roles.

Wichtige Hinweise:
This course will be held in English.
In order to participate, please e-mail a letter of motivation to the lecturers during the first registration cycle: jessica.harmening@uni-paderborn.de, cc: ruth.hagengruber@uni-paderborn.de. If the response is positive, regular electronic registration via PAUL will be possible in the second registration cycle.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 24. Jul. 2017 10:00 12:30 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
2 Mo, 24. Jul. 2017 14:00 17:00 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
3 Di, 25. Jul. 2017 10:00 12:30 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
4 Di, 25. Jul. 2017 14:00 17:00 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
5 Mi, 26. Jul. 2017 10:00 12:30 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
6 Mi, 26. Jul. 2017 14:00 17:00 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
7 Do, 27. Jul. 2017 10:00 12:30 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
8 Do, 27. Jul. 2017 14:00 17:00 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
9 Fr, 28. Jul. 2017 10:00 12:30 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
10 Fr, 28. Jul. 2017 14:00 17:00 L 3 204 Jessica Harmening
Enthalten in Modulen
M.052.2640 M4 - Subjektivität/Selbstmanagement/Geschlechtertechnologien :: ZFM-SOZ v1 (WS 2014/15)
M.127.0080 Modul 8: Vertiefung Ethik, insbesondere Sozialphilosophie (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0090 Modul 9: Anthropologie/Philosophie der Technik (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0140 Modul 4: Ethik und Sozialphilosophie (SS 2012)
M.127.0150 Modul 5: Anthropologie/Philosophie der Technik (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0202 A1 - Anthropologie und Philosophie der Technik :: PHI-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.127.0202A A1 - Anthropologie und Philosophie der Technik (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.127.0210 A2 - Ethik, insbesondere Sozialphilosophie :: PHI-ZFB v1 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0212 A2 - Vertiefung Praktische Philosophie :: PHI-ZFB v2 (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.127.0212A A2 - Vertiefung Praktische Philosophie (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0214 A2 - Vertiefung PraktischePhilosophie :: PHI-ZFB v3 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0280 Modul 8: Vertiefung Ethik, insbesondere Sozialphilosophie - INF (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0290 Modul 9: Anthropologie / Philosophie derTechnik (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0340 A1 - Anthropologie und Philosophie der Technik :: NF-PHIL INF-BA v3 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0350 A2 - Vertiefung Ethik, insbesondere Sozialphilosophie :: NF-PHIL INF-BA v3 (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.0470 A1 - Antropologie und Kulturphilosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v1 (SS 2012)
M.127.0480 A2 - Vertiefung Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v1 (SS 2012)
M.127.0540 A1 - Anthropologie und Kulturphilosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v2 (WS 2013/14)
M.127.0550 A2 - Vertiefung Praktische Philosophie :: NF-PHIL MATH-BA v2 (WS 2013/14)
M.127.0620 M2 - Mastermodul 1: Themen der Theoretischen Philosophie :: ZFM-PHI v1 (WS 2014/15)
M.127.0630 M3 - Mastermodul 2: Themen der Praktischen Philosophie :: ZFM-PHI v1 (WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15)
M.127.8060 Aufbaumodul 3: Praktische Philosophie :: BA-LA (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.127.8060A Aufbaumodul 3: Praktische Philosophie :: BA-LA (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.127.8060A Aufbaumodul 3: Praktische Philosophie :: BA-LA (SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.127.8530 M3 - Themen der Praktischen Philosophie :: MA-GyGe (WS 2016/17, WS 2016/17)
M.127.8530A M3 - Themen der Praktischen Philosophie :: MA-GyGe (WS 2014/15, WS 2014/15)
M.127.8560 M2 - Themen der Philosophie :: MA-HRGe (WS 2016/17)
M.127.8560A M2 - Themen der Philosophie :: MA-HRGe (WS 2014/15)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Jessica Harmening