L.008.32495 Monsters and Monstrosities in British History, Literature and Culture


Lehrende: Sarah Schäfer-Althaus

Veranstaltungsart: Proseminar

Orga-Einheit: Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 40

Required Texts: tba

Throughout the centuries, monsters and monstrosities in many forms and shapes have been invented in literature and culture – from the anthropophagous monster in Beowulf to well-known monsters such as Frankenstein. Monsters and monstrosities are part of our culture and literary development since the earliest known manuscripts and oral traditions, presenting some of the most intricate nightmares and fears of human beings and creating a space to relocate the Other, the inexplicable, excluding and eliminating it from what was considered the "norm" at a certain time period.

This course will introduce students to the notions of monsters and a great variety of male and female monstrosities from a historical, literary and cultural angle from the medieval period until the twenty-first century. Thereby we will not only focus on fictional accounts, such as Marie de Frances’ famous shape shifting werewolf narrative or Roald Dahl’s novel The Witches, but also take a look at historical accounts of "monstrous" human beings, such as Mary Toft, an 18th century lady who apparently gave birth to rabbits. While reading and analysing these texts within their historical contexts we will investigate questions such as: How are monsters defined, identified and constructed? How can the category of the monstrous help us define what is human? Are there any differences between male and female monstrosities? How have the ideas behind monsters and monstrosity changed and developed over time?

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 11. Apr. 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
2 Fr, 25. Apr. 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
3 Fr, 2. Mai 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
4 Fr, 9. Mai 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
5 Fr, 16. Mai 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
6 Fr, 23. Mai 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
7 Fr, 30. Mai 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
8 Fr, 6. Jun. 2014 14:00 16:00 Termin entfällt Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
9 Fr, 13. Jun. 2014 14:00 16:00 J 2 226 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
10 Fr, 20. Jun. 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
11 Fr, 27. Jun. 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
12 Fr, 4. Jul. 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
13 Fr, 11. Jul. 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
14 Fr, 18. Jul. 2014 14:00 16:00 J 4 219 Sarah Schäfer-Althaus
Enthalten in Modulen
M.008.0042 A1 - Literaturwissenschaft (WS 2011/12)
M.008.0042 A1 - Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2012)
M.008.0051 M1 - Aufbaumodul Kulturwissenschaft (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.008.8030 Aufbaumodul Fachwissenschaftliche Horizonte :: BA-GyGe/BK (WS 2011/12)
M.008.8030 Aufbaumodul Fachwissenschaftliche Horizonte :: BA-HRGe/GyGe/BK (WS 2011/12)
M.008.8030 Aufbaumodul Fachwissenschaftliche Horizonte V1 :: BA-HRGe/GyGe/BK (SS 2012)
M.008.8033 Aufbaumodul Fachwissenschaftliche Horizonte – Cultural and Literary Studies (PO v1) :: BA-GyGe/BK v2 (SS 2014)
M.008.8210 Aufbaumodul Fachwissenschaftliche Horizonte :: BA-HRGe (WS 2011/12)
M.008.8210A Aufbaumodul Fachwissenschaftliche Horizonte :: BA-HRGe (##auslaufendes Modulangebot - neue Anmeldungen bitte über "Änderungssatzung"##) (SS 2012)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Sarah Schäfer-Althaus