L.008.32310 In-Yer-Face Theatre in Britain (Blockseminar)


Lehrende: Ilka Zänger

Veranstaltungsart: Proseminar

Orga-Einheit: Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 40

Voraussetzungen und Empfehlungen:
Introduction to Literary Studies

Recommended editions:
Kane, Sarah. Complete Plays. London: Methuen, 2001. (including Blasted and Crave)
or: ---. Blasted & Phaedra's Love. London: Methuen Drama, 1996.
Ravenhill, Mark. Shopping and F***ing. London: Methuen, 1996.

Kane’s Crave will be uploaded on PAUL.

Recommended reading
 Sierz, Aleks. In-Yer-Face Theatre: British Drama Today. London: Faber and Faber, 2001.

In this seminar students will be introduced to a controversial 'school' of drama, the 'In-Yer-Face Theatre', which emerged in the 1990s in Britian. With their disturbing themes such as presenting violent and sexual scenes openly, the plays revolutionised the British contemporary stage at that time. Aleks Sierz describes the 'In-Yer-Face Theatre' as "[…] any drama that takes the audience by the scruff of the neck and shakes it until it gets the message" (Sierz), thereby playing on and with the audience’s emotions.
We will read selected plays by two main representatives of the 'school', Sarah Kane and Mark Ravenhill,  including Kane’s Blasted and Crave and Ravenhill’s Shopping and F***ing. Further plays to be analysed may be chosen together with the participants. It is the aim of this seminar for students to practise their close reading skills and apply basic analytical approaches to drama gained in the Introduction to Literary Studies to the texts in question. The plays will be read as dramatic texts but we will also take possible stage performances of certain scenes into consideration. For the success of the seminar it is essential that students read the texts and participate actively in course discussions.

Wichtige Hinweise:
- This seminar covers the Teilmodul "Methodische Grundlagen – Periods and Texts." It will contain an introduction to reading strategies and term paper writing. This will include the set-up, formatting and revising of papers and well as citing sources and compiling bibliographies.
- Course requirements will be announced in the first session of the semester.
- Knowledge of the texts may be tested in the course of the semester.
- Required reading until the first session of the semester: Sarah Kane’s Blasted

27.5.14: 13-14 Uhr (Vorbesprechung)

27.06.14: 14-20 Uhr
28.06.14: 9-12 und 13-15 Uhr
29.06.14: 9-12 und 13-17 Uhr

11.07.14: 14-16 Uhr

18.07.14: 14-16 Uhr (Klausur)

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 27. Mai 2014 13:00 14:00 J 2 226 Ilka Zänger
2 Fr, 27. Jun. 2014 14:00 20:00 J 2 226 Ilka Zänger
3 Sa, 28. Jun. 2014 09:00 12:00 J 2 226 Ilka Zänger
4 Sa, 28. Jun. 2014 13:00 15:00 J 2 226 Ilka Zänger
5 So, 29. Jun. 2014 09:00 12:00 J 2 226 Ilka Zänger
6 So, 29. Jun. 2014 13:00 17:00 J 2 226 Ilka Zänger
7 Fr, 11. Jul. 2014 14:00 16:00 J 2 226 Ilka Zänger
8 Fr, 18. Jul. 2014 14:00 16:00 L 1 202 Ilka Zänger
Enthalten in Modulen
M.008.0020 B2 - Literaturwissenschaft :: ALK-ZFB v1 (SS 2011, SS 2011)
M.008.0022A B2 - Literaturwissenschaft (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.008.0024 B2 - Literaturwissenschaft :: 2010 (WS 2009/10, WS 2009/10)
M.008.4020 GHRGe: Basismodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2011)
M.008.4020 GHRGe: Basismodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2011)
M.008.4020 GHRGe: Basismodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2012)
M.008.5020 GyGe/BK: Basismodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2010)
M.008.5020 GyGe/BK: Basismodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (WS 2010/11)
M.008.5020 GyGe/BK: Basismodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2011)
M.008.5020 GyGe/BK: Basismodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2011)
M.008.5020 GyGe/BK: Basismodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (WS 2011/12)
M.008.5020 GyGe/BK: Basismodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2012)
M.008.8020 Basismodul Methodische Grundlagen :: BA-HRGe/GyGe/BK (WS 2011/12)
M.008.8020A Basismodul Methodische Grundlagen :: BA-HRGe/GyGe/BK (SS 2012)
M.008.8160A Vertiefungsmodul Englisch :: BA-G (SS 2012)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Ilka Zänger