L.008.32820 The Theatre of the Absurd


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies

Veranstaltungsart: Hauptseminar

Orga-Einheit: Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 50

Participants should purchase the following plays and read the first one (The Homecoming) until the beginning of the semester:
Harold Pinter, The Homecoming (1965).
Edward Albee, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962)
Any available edition of these works can be used. Further primary material will be made available via PAUL.

Reserve Shelf: to be announced

This seminar aims at transcending the standard critical generalisations about the 'Theatre of the Absurd' as portraying desperate characters in senseless a world by studying both the basic concept of the 'absurd' and the techniques used in concrete plays in greater detail. In this process, both British and American approaches to absurdity will be included. A special focus will be on the comparison between Harold Pinter, the key British representative of this form of drama, and Edward Albee, his American counterpart, possibly uncovering some differences as well as similarities between them. In addition, the possibilities and limitations of realising the absurd in the theatre will play an important role in the seminar discussions.
It is essential for the success of the seminar that participants prepare the plays under discussion in detail at home. If necessary, this knowledge will be tested in the course of the seminar. Moreover, students should have some knowledge about the features of classical (non-absurdist) plays in order to be able to understand the deviating characteristics of the absurd.

Credits: requirements for credits will be announced in the first seminar session and also uploaded in PAUL

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 7. Apr. 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
2 Mo, 14. Apr. 2014 14:00 16:00 Termin entfällt Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
3 Mo, 28. Apr. 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
4 Mo, 5. Mai 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
5 Mo, 12. Mai 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
6 Mo, 19. Mai 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
7 Mo, 26. Mai 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
8 Mo, 2. Jun. 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
9 Mo, 16. Jun. 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
10 Mo, 23. Jun. 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
11 Mo, 30. Jun. 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
12 Mo, 7. Jul. 2014 14:00 16:00 Termin entfällt Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
13 Mo, 14. Jul. 2014 14:00 16:00 C 5 206 Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies
Enthalten in Modulen
M.008.0040 A1 - Literaturwissenschaft :: ALK-ZFB v1 (SS 2011)
M.008.0040 A1 - Literaturwissenschaft :: ALK-ZFB v1 (WS 2011/12)
M.008.0040 Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2009, SS 2009)
M.008.0042 A1 - Literaturwissenschaft (WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12, WS 2011/12)
M.008.0042 A1 - Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.008.0070 ZM - Literatur- oder Kulturwissenschaft :: ALK-ZFB v1 (SS 2011, SS 2011, SS 2011)
M.008.1150 M3 - Amerikanistische Literaturwissenschaft (Schwerpunktmodul) :: MA-EAS v1 (WS 2012/13)
M.008.1160 M4 - Kulturwissenschaft :: MA-EAS v1 (WS 2012/13)
M.008.4060 GHRGe: Aufbaumodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft/ Kulturwissenschaft/Landeskunde (SS 2012)
M.008.5070 GyGe/BK: Aufbaumodul 2 Literaturwissenschaft (SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012, SS 2012)
M.008.8050 Projekt und Exploration :: BA-GyGe/BK (WS 2011/12)
M.008.8050 Projekt und Exploration :: BA-GyGe/BK (WS 2011/12)
M.008.8050A Projekt und Exploration :: BA-GyGe/BK (SS 2012)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies