L.008.32780 Social Darwinism in American Literature and Culture


Lehrende: Michael Porsche

Veranstaltungsart: Hauptseminar

Orga-Einheit: Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 63

Voraussetzungen und Empfehlungen:
abgeschlossenes Grundstudium

Crane, Stephen. Maggie. A Girl of the Streets. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1993.
Norris, Frank. McTeague:A Story of San Francisco. Oxford: OUP, 2009.
London, Jack. The Sea-Wolf and Selected Stories. New York: Signet, 2004.
Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. New York: Penguin, 2005.

The authors to be discussed combined their interest in literary realism and naturalism with an investigation into the social and economic forces, and scientific and philosophical ideas of the 19th century to produce gripping and brutal narratives of human suffering and delusion. Participants are likely to convert to vegetarianism during term, and a visit to the dentist will never be the same again. You are expected to have read Maggie by the beginning of term.


Crane, Stephen. Maggie. A Girl of the Streets. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1993.
Norris, Frank. McTeague:A Story of San Francisco. Oxford: OUP, 2009.
London, Jack. The Sea-Wolf and Selected Stories. New York: Signet, 2004.
Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. New York: Penguin, 2005.

Wichtige Hinweise:
You are expected to have read Maggie by the beginning of term.

Diese Veranstaltung beginnt in der zweiten Vorlesungswoche!

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 19. Okt. 2010 16:00 18:00 P1.6.11 Michael Porsche
2 Di, 26. Okt. 2010 16:00 18:00 P1.6.11 Michael Porsche
3 Di, 2. Nov. 2010 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
4 Di, 9. Nov. 2010 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
5 Di, 16. Nov. 2010 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
6 Di, 23. Nov. 2010 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
7 Di, 30. Nov. 2010 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
8 Di, 7. Dez. 2010 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
9 Di, 14. Dez. 2010 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
10 Di, 4. Jan. 2011 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
11 Di, 11. Jan. 2011 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
12 Di, 18. Jan. 2011 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
13 Di, 25. Jan. 2011 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
14 Di, 1. Feb. 2011 16:00 18:00 Technologiepark 21, Raum 8216 Michael Porsche
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Prof. Dr. Michael Porsche