Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Arts and Humanities >  Educational Science >  Erziehungswissenschaftliches Studium im Lehramtsstudiengang (1. Staatsexamen, LPO 2003) >  Module E: Selected Topics from the Field of Educational Science >  E II / E III >  EII/III Vertiefung - Erziehung & Bildung

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.052.01271 Practical implications of the 2006 North Rhine Westphalian Education Act and the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on school arrangements
Melanie Kram M.A.
Tue, 11. Oct. 2016 [10:00] - Tue, 6. Dec. 2016 [16:00]
Block event
L.052.01572 Intersectional perspectives on deviance
Stephanie Moldenhauer
Th, 20. Oct. 2016 [11:00] - Th, 9. Feb. 2017 [13:00]
L.052.01721 Media, disability and inclusion
Tobias Hester
Mon, 16. Jan. 2017 [13:00] - Fri, 17. Feb. 2017 [16:00]
Block event
L.052.01722 Nursery and new media. A research seminar.
Tobias Hester
Tue, 17. Jan. 2017 [13:00] - Fri, 24. Feb. 2017 [16:00]
Block event
L.052.01811 Standardization and Normalization of Childhood
Dr. Antje Langer
Tue, 18. Oct. 2016 [14:00] - Tue, 7. Feb. 2017 [16:00]