Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Arts and Humanities >  Educational Science >  Course Offerings for Students of the Double Major Degree in Educational Science >  BM1 - Grundfragen der Erziehungswissenschaft >  BM1 Vertiefung

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.052.00321 Education and Human rights
Caroline Struchholz
Mon, 17. Oct. 2016 [11:00] - Mon, 6. Feb. 2017 [13:00]
L.052.00334 Selected topics of education
Dr. Annette Bentler
Th, 20. Oct. 2016 [11:00] - Th, 9. Feb. 2017 [13:00]
L.052.01117 Grenzfragen der Erziehung
Dr. Jörg Schroeder
Fri, 21. Oct. 2016 [07:30] - Fri, 10. Feb. 2017 [09:00]
L.052.01612 Inklusion europäisch
Prof. Dr. Timm Albers; Dr. Robert Kordts-Freudinger; Prof. Dr. Thea Stroot
Wed, 12. Oct. 2016 [09:00] - Wed, 12. Oct. 2016 [13:00]