Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Arts and Humanities >  Educational Science >  Bildungswissenschaftliches Studium - Lehramt an Haupt-, Real- u. Gesamtschule (B.Ed., StO 2011) >  BM1 Unterricht u. Allgemeine Didaktik >  BM1 Vertiefung Unterricht u. Allgemeine Didaktik

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.052.00131 Objective and content dimensions of teaching at school
Michael Nicolas
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Wed, 17. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.052.00132 Objective and content dimensions of teaching at school
Michael Nicolas
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Wed, 17. Jul. 2013 [13:00]
L.052.00133 Objective and content dimensions of teaching at school
Michael Nicolas
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.052.01114 Planning, performing and reflecting a test lesson
Dr. Jörg Schroeder
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [14:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [16:00]
L.052.01291 Planning, accomplishing and reflecting lessons
Bärbel Blasek
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [07:30] - Wed, 17. Jul. 2013 [09:00]
L.052.01292 Planning, accomplishing and reflecting lessons
Johannes Breimhorst
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [07:30] - Wed, 17. Jul. 2013 [09:00]
L.052.01581 Unterrichtsplanung und -durchführung
Klaus Ferlemann
Wed, 24. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Sun, 21. Jul. 2013 [18:00]
Block event