Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Arts and Humanities >  Educational Science >  Unterrichtsfach Pädagogik (1. Staatsexamen, LPO 2005) >  HS4 - Schulische Handlungsfelder und Lehrerprofessionalität >  HS4 A

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.052.00136 Teachers as Professionals? - Dimensions of the role as a teacher
Michael Nicolas
Fri, 12. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Fri, 19. Jul. 2013 [13:00]
L.052.00521 Biographical self-reflection and educational competence
Dr. Sandra Winheller
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Tue, 28. May 2013 [11:00]
L.052.00522 Biographical self-reflection and gender competence
Dr. Sandra Winheller
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Wed, 5. Jun. 2013 [13:00]
L.052.00813 Findings and implications of international school studies
Prof. Dr. Birgit Eickelmann
Th, 11. Apr. 2013 [14:00] - Th, 18. Jul. 2013 [16:00]