Course catalogue

Overview >  Fakultät für Maschinenbau >  Wahlpflichtkatalog der Fakultät für Maschinenbau >  Energietechnik >  Kanonfächer: Energietechnik

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.104.31276 Heat and Mass Transfer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eugeny Kenig
Tue, 11. Oct. 2011 [14:00] - Tue, 31. Jan. 2012 [15:30]
L.104.31476 Heat and Mass Transfer (Exercise)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eugeny Kenig
Tue, 11. Oct. 2011 [15:45] - Tue, 31. Jan. 2012 [16:30]
L.104.32240 Fluid Mechanics
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmid
Fri, 14. Oct. 2011 [11:45] - Fri, 3. Feb. 2012 [13:15]
L.104.32275 basics in safety engineering
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmid; Dieter Wehmeier; Dr. Frank Westphal
Th, 27. Oct. 2011 [15:45] - Mon, 30. Jan. 2012 [12:00]
L.104.32440 Fluid Mechanics (Exercises)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmid
Fri, 14. Oct. 2011 [13:30] - Fri, 3. Feb. 2012 [15:00]
L.104.33245 Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology
Dr. Gerhard Herres; Prof. Dr. Jadran Vrabec
Mon, 10. Oct. 2011 [11:00] - Mon, 30. Jan. 2012 [12:30]
L.104.33265 Molecular Thermodynamics
Prof. Dr. Jadran Vrabec
Wed, 12. Oct. 2011 [13:00] - Wed, 1. Feb. 2012 [14:00]
L.104.33465 Molecular Thermodynamics (Exercises)
Prof. Dr. Jadran Vrabec
Wed, 12. Oct. 2011 [14:45] - Wed, 1. Feb. 2012 [15:30]
L.104.33650 Renewable Energy Technology
Dr. Gerhard Herres; Prof. Dr. Jadran Vrabec
Th, 13. Oct. 2011 [10:00] - Th, 2. Feb. 2012 [11:30]
Project seminar