Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Arts and Humanities >  German Studies and Comparative Literature >  Double Major Degree >  Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft >  Aufbaumodul 2: Sprachpsychologie und biologische Grundlagen der Sprache

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.067.31132 Language Acquisition and School (with Subject-Related Didactics)
Prof. Dr. Elvira Topalovic
Tue, 16. Apr. 2013 [16:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [18:00]
L.067.31210 Acquisition of German as a Second Language
Tetyana Vasylyeva M.A.
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [11:15] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [12:45]
L.067.31310 First and Second Language Acquisition
Jun. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Eberhardt
Tue, 16. Apr. 2013 [11:15] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [12:45]
L.067.31323 Second Language Acquisition
Amani Kassem
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [14:15] - Wed, 17. Jul. 2013 [15:45]
L.067.31324 Academic Language and ist Implications or Linguistically Heterogeneous Classrooms
Dr. Patrick Grommes
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.067.31329 Second Language Acquisition
Amani Kassem
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [11:15] - Wed, 17. Jul. 2013 [12:45]
L.067.31420 Social and Cognitive Dimensions of Language
Prof. Dr. Doris Tophinke
Tue, 16. Apr. 2013 [11:15] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [12:45]
L.067.31458 Acquisition and Support of Oral Skills at Primary School (with Focus on Subject-Related Didactics)
Tetyana Vasylyeva M.A.
Mon, 8. Apr. 2013 [11:15] - Mon, 15. Jul. 2013 [12:45]