Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics >  Computer Science >  Computer Engineering Studies >  Bachelor Studies Computer Engineering >  1st Study Section

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
K.048.10701 Signal Theory
Lecture (with exercise)
L.048.10101 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering A
Prof. Dr. Bärbel Mertsching
Tue, 18. Oct. 2016 [07:30] - Th, 9. Mar. 2017 [16:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.048.10402 Semiconductor Devices
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hilleringmann
Th, 20. Oct. 2016 [09:15] - Wed, 15. Feb. 2017 [12:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.048.10814 Laboratory Course Mikrocotroller and Interface Electronics
Prof. Dr. Bernd Henning
Mon, 17. Oct. 2016 [14:00] - Mon, 7. Nov. 2016 [18:00]
L.079.05100 Foundations of Programm Development 1
Prof. Dr. Holger Karl
Tue, 18. Oct. 2016 [13:00] - Wed, 8. Feb. 2017 [16:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.079.05101 Foundations of Modelling
Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer; Prof. Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier
Mon, 17. Oct. 2016 [11:00] - Fri, 10. Feb. 2017 [13:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.079.05300 Software Design
Dr. Stefan Sauer
Wed, 9. Nov. 2016 [14:00] - Wed, 1. Feb. 2017 [16:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.079.05301 Foundations of Computer Architecture
Prof. Dr. Marco Platzner
Wed, 19. Oct. 2016 [09:00] - Wed, 8. Feb. 2017 [11:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.079.09700 Project Management
Prof. Dr. Holger Karl
Sat, 12. Nov. 2016 [09:00] - Fri, 16. Dec. 2016 [18:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.105.95100 Advanced Mathematics A for Electrical Engineers
Dr. Kerstin Hesse
Tue, 18. Oct. 2016 [09:00] - Th, 9. Feb. 2017 [13:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.105.95101 Advanced Mathematics A for Electrical Engineers (Tutorial)
Dr. Kerstin Hesse; Natalie Nikitin
Wed, 19. Oct. 2016 [07:00] - Wed, 8. Feb. 2017 [09:00]
L.105.95300 Advanced Mathematics C for Electrical Engineers
Dr. Elke Wolf
Mon, 17. Oct. 2016 [09:00] - Wed, 8. Feb. 2017 [13:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.105.95301 Advanced Mathematics C for Electrical Engineers (Tutorial)
Dr. Elke Wolf
Mon, 17. Oct. 2016 [11:00] - Mon, 6. Feb. 2017 [13:00]