Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Arts and Humanities >  Educational Science >  Zwei-Fach-Bachelor Erziehungswissenschaft >  BM2 - Anthropologische, gesellschaftliche u. kulturelle Bedingungen von Erziehung u. Bildung >  BM2 Vertiefung

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.052.00541 Jugend, Sexualität und Web 2.0
Verena Vogelsang
Th, 11. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Th, 18. Jul. 2013 [13:00]
L.052.00551 Sexualisierte Gewalt und pädagogisches Handeln
Dr. Sandra Glammeier
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [18:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [20:00]
L.052.00552 Anerkennung und Missachtung im pädagogischen Handeln
Dr. Sandra Glammeier
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [16:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [18:00]
L.052.01115 Education and Law
Dr. Jörg Schroeder
Th, 11. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Th, 18. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.052.01116 Education and Law
Dr. Jörg Schroeder
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Wed, 17. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.052.01241 Separated Childhood (Handling of gender relations)
Claudia Mahs
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [16:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [18:00]
L.052.21030 "Culture and Education are directed against lower classes". Habitus and Education: The theory of social unequality by Pierre Bourdieu.
Prof. Dr. Hannelore Bublitz
Tue, 30. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [13:00]
Lecture (with exercise)
L.052.21040 Social forgetting and remembering in school
Wolfram Ewers
Mon, 8. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Mon, 15. Jul. 2013 [13:00]
L.052.21041 Sociology of childhood
Wolfram Ewers
Mon, 8. Apr. 2013 [14:00] - Mon, 15. Jul. 2013 [16:00]
L.052.21044 Habitus transitions in educational processes
Wolfram Ewers
Th, 11. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Th, 18. Jul. 2013 [13:00]
L.052.21080 About classes and social movements in the Postwar society of Germany
Dr. Hans-Ulrich Matina
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [14:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [16:00]
L.052.21090 In which society do we live actually?
Prof. Dr. Birgit Riegraf
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.052.21091 Theories, methods and politics of equal opportunity
Prof. Dr. Birgit Riegraf
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Wed, 26. Jun. 2013 [11:00]
L.052.21092 Change of Maskulinity? Change of Feminality?
Prof. Dr. Birgit Riegraf
Th, 11. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Th, 18. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.052.21100 Introduction into youthsociology
Thomas Schroedter
Mon, 8. Apr. 2013 [14:00] - Mon, 15. Jul. 2013 [16:00]
L.052.21101 Social movements in the 21st Century
Thomas Schroedter
Tue, 16. Apr. 2013 [16:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [18:00]
L.052.21102 Sociological research
Thomas Schroedter
Tue, 16. Apr. 2013 [14:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [16:00]
L.052.21140 Teacher's reports in public media
Dr. Lena Weber
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
Reading Class
L.052.21141 Organisation, Profession, Gender in the Academia
Dr. Lena Weber
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [11:00]
L.052.21142 Work and the future of the working society
Dr. Julia Gruhlich; Dr. Lena Weber
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [14:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [16:00]
L.127.15020 An Introduction into the History of Political Philosophy
Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber
Wed, 10. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Wed, 17. Jul. 2013 [13:00]
L.127.15300 Wilhelm Kamlah, Paul Lorenzen: Logical Propedeutics
Prof. Dr. Volker Peckhaus
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [07:30] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [09:00]
L.127.15310 Texts on the Philosophy of Technique
Prof. Dr. Volker Peckhaus
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.127.15390 Philosophical Theories on Gender
Ana Paula Coelho Rodrigues
Th, 11. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Th, 18. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.127.15420 Giligan-Kohlberg Controversy or moral-sense Debate revisited
Ana Paula Coelho Rodrigues; Dr. Anne Weber
Wed, 15. May 2013 [13:00] - Sat, 22. Jun. 2013 [18:00]
L.127.15425 What is a Human Being? The connection between Phenomeology and Scholasticism in Edith Stein’s late writings.
Dr. Katharina Westerhorstmann
Fri, 12. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Fri, 19. Jul. 2013 [11:00]