Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Arts and Humanities >  Educational Science >  Master Kultur und Gesellschaft (Zwei-Fach-MA) >  Geschlechterstudien/Gender Studies (Master Kultur und Gesellschaft) >  Mastermodul III:A) Kulturelle und symbolische Repräsentation,Vertiefung

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.052.01811 Standardization and Normalization of Childhood
Dr. Antje Langer
Tue, 18. Oct. 2016 [14:00] - Tue, 7. Feb. 2017 [16:00]
L.052.01812 Media and Gender
Dr. Antje Langer
Tue, 25. Oct. 2016 [18:00] - Sun, 20. Nov. 2016 [18:00]
Block event