Course catalogue

Overview >  Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften >  Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft >  2-Fach-B.A.-Studiengang >  Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft >  Aufbaumodul 1: Sprache in der Informationsgesellschaft

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.067.31302 Languages for Special Purposes
Jun. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Eberhardt
Fri, 14. Oct. 2011 [11:00] - Fri, 3. Feb. 2012 [13:00]
L.067.31305 Jacob Grimm. Linguistic Works
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Feldbusch
Fri, 14. Oct. 2011 [16:15] - Mon, 6. Feb. 2012 [17:45]
L.067.31322 Grammar of Spoken German
Dr. Andrea Graumann
Th, 20. Oct. 2011 [14:15] - Th, 2. Feb. 2012 [15:45]
L.067.31357 Language of Media (With Subject-Related Didactics)
Dr. Marcus Müller
Wed, 12. Oct. 2011 [18:00] - Wed, 1. Feb. 2012 [20:00]
L.067.31359 Language and Knowledge (With Subject-Related Didactics)
Dr. Marcus Müller
Th, 13. Oct. 2011 [11:00] - Th, 2. Feb. 2012 [13:00]
L.067.31360 Language in Towns during the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age
Dr. Norbert Nagel
Wed, 12. Oct. 2011 [14:15] - Wed, 1. Feb. 2012 [17:45]
L.067.31415 Historical Semantics
Prof. Dr. Britt Marie Schuster
Mon, 17. Oct. 2011 [11:15] - Mon, 30. Jan. 2012 [12:45]
L.067.31416 Language Use during the National Socialism
Prof. Dr. Britt Marie Schuster
Tue, 18. Oct. 2011 [09:15] - Tue, 31. Jan. 2012 [10:45]
L.067.31422 Violence in Language
Prof. Dr. Doris Tophinke
Th, 20. Oct. 2011 [16:15] - Th, 2. Feb. 2012 [17:45]
L.067.31442 Law and Language
Nadine Wallmeier
Fri, 14. Oct. 2011 [09:15] - Fri, 3. Feb. 2012 [10:45]
L.067.31452 Political Communication
Prof. Dr. Britt Marie Schuster
Wed, 19. Oct. 2011 [09:00] - Wed, 30. Nov. 2011 [11:00]
Advanced seminar
L.067.31455 How much Grammar does Language need?
Prof. Dr. Doris Tophinke
Mon, 17. Oct. 2011 [18:15] - Mon, 30. Jan. 2012 [19:45]
Advanced seminar