Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Arts and Humanities >  Educational Science >  Unterrichtsfach Pädagogik (B.Ed., StO 2011) >  BM2 - Anthropologische, gesellschaftliche u. kulturelle Bedingungen von Erziehung und Bildung >  BM2b - Erziehung u. Bildung in Theorie u. Geschichte

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
L.052.00121 Students' participation in school and instruction
Sandra Aßmann
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [14:00] - Tue, 28. May 2013 [16:00]
L.052.00523 Gender equality in schools - Theoretical approaches and practical implementation
Dr. Sandra Winheller
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Tue, 11. Jun. 2013 [13:00]
L.052.00814 The German school system from 19th century till today
Prof. Dr. Birgit Eickelmann
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [14:00] - Tue, 16. Jul. 2013 [16:00]
L.052.01134 Images of disability and their relevance for pedagogics
Ulrich Schwerdt
Tue, 9. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Tue, 18. Jun. 2013 [13:00]
L.127.15390 Philosophical Theories on Gender
Ana Paula Coelho Rodrigues
Th, 11. Apr. 2013 [09:00] - Th, 18. Jul. 2013 [11:00]
L.127.15400 Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
Ana Paula Coelho Rodrigues
Th, 11. Apr. 2013 [11:00] - Th, 18. Jul. 2013 [13:00]
L.127.15420 Giligan-Kohlberg Controversy or moral-sense Debate revisited
Ana Paula Coelho Rodrigues; Dr. Anne Weber
Wed, 15. May 2013 [13:00] - Sat, 22. Jun. 2013 [18:00]